Monday, February 28, 2011

Slip up? (And Saturday's weigh-in)

So the boys I nanny for turned one and had their party on Saturday. I was so proud of myself.. I didn't eat the munchies other than veggies and I only had a small sliver of the party sub (I even took the cheese and pepperoni off it!) Most impressive of all.. I had NOO cake! I couldn't believe it. I told myself I was allowed to have a tiny itty bitty piece-a bite or two, but when it was time for cake I didn't even want it. I was so proud of myself!....

And then today happened...

So I came to work with a bag full of food. A mango, cucumber, bag of carrots, yogurt & more... I was prepared!  What is the first thing I put in my mouth today? CAKE! I had a week moment and had a few bites! What  was I thinking? After I ate it I was so upset with myself. I immediately tracked it, and will do my best not to go over calories today.. but I still can't believe it even happened in the first place. If I didn't need it yesterday, what would changed about today? Lack of will power? I know I was hungry, I didn't get a chance to eat before my morning routine with the kiddos, but that is no excuse. I made myself exercise extra well today. I used the elliptical while the boys were sleeping, and then we went on a 45min walk with them in this beautiful 75 degree weather. Burning over 400 calories (which I know that beats the cakes ass... but still lol) Hopefully that will take care of any damage I could have done.
Ok, I'm over it.. putting it behind me.
And we're done with that...

So, I weighed in on Saturday hoping for my 2.5lb loss, and got a 3.6lb loss instead! I was very very happy with that! So happy in fact that I have been getting a little scale happy again (not that it truly ever stopped) and I'm weighing myself once, or more a day. Yesterday I was another pound less and was so thrilled, but then this morning I weigh in and was 2lbs up!! I was extremely bummed because I had the best cardio session I've ever had (this time around) at the gym yesterday, and to see a gain I was devastated. But weigh in isn't until Sat again, so I'm not going to get discouraged.
If I see damage from the cake tomorrow morning I may.... I can't make any promises.

How do you all handle slip ups and or gains on the scale?

Talk to you bloggers later :)

1 comment:

  1. Slip ups, oops moments, and platues happen. You knew it was a oops, and tracked it!! That right there is awesome!! When you get to your goal weight, you are going to eat cake... right? you are going to have to learn to maintain... so eat cake, just stay on track ;)
