Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I will say that I do love the fact that we as women get to be mothers and carry children, but I do not enjoy the monthly visitor we get to make that happen. I'm a nanny and I swear I picked at all the snacks I fed the babies. Luckily I calculated my calories to the best of my abilities (we figuring out bites of things.. lol) and I didn't do damage and am still in range, but WHERE is my self control! I want to blame in on the fact that I have my period but honestly that is just an excuse. I know I didn't need to eat it. I brought my food and there was plenty of it. Oh well.. what's done is done. Hopefully I can find that control tomorrow.
My ass STILL hurts from Jillian Michaels. I took the boys for a 1.5mile walk today because I don't know if I could have been able to hold my own on the elliptical. I live in a condo on the 3rd floor and getting home was a good enough workout in itself! Haha. I do think I may try to video again tomorrow after work just to work the muscles out again- I know that will actually help the pain.. but I'm scared of it hurting my back again (At least I'd have Friday off if I need another recovery day!)
Well I don't think anything else interesting happened today, then again when you work a 13hr shift you don't have much free time for those interesting things. Hopefully I don't return tomorrow with another snacking story. If I do that every week I get my monthly visitor I see serious potential for damage. Ahh.
Hope all is well with all of you!


  1. I used to be a nanny for 3 kids all born in the same year - singleton in January. Twins in November. I gained 15 lbs my first few months on the job and couldn't figure out why because I thought I was active. Then I realized a spoonful of mac & cheese here, a chicken nugget or 2... or 3 there and there you had it!

    Wish I had done what you're doing and tried to track it. Good luck with Jillian too. She's insane. My 30-day Shred horror story is for another time!

  2. I hate the monthly visitor! I have my period too and I feel so bloated and I'm craving chocolate.. ahh! It's so important to avoid cravings though, one thing I learned that helps is to close your eyes and count to 15. Most of the time the cravings will move on.

  3. I had mine last week and i was the same way! ate everything in sight!
