Friday, February 18, 2011

So I decided to go ahead and do the 30 Day Shred last night again for round 2. I figured to try for lower intensities for workouts that hurt my back, but attempt full force on others. I'm glad I did it because I don't feel as bad as I thought I might, but she still is an ass kicker. When trying to figure out which dvd to buy I convinced myself to go with Jillian and not the Biggest Loser for exactly this reason. (I wanted her to beat me up and yell at me to do it!) Did I really want that though? Haha. I'm happy with my decision. I'll stick with my Level 1 for a while though... it's hard enough- believe me.
I also took the boys for a nice walk yesterday. It was in the low 70's and was absolutely gorgeous!!! I actually worked up a little sweat which is always good.
I didn't sneak attack the kids snacks! Well that's a lie, I ate some cut up fruit and a piece of cheese, but counted it all.. and it was a lot better than the day before. I came home and grilled up some chicken for dinner and was right on track with my calories!
I'm hoping to get to the gym with my man today.. that's if he wakes up anytime soon. (Gotta love his closing shift) If not I plan on going for a walk- with attempts at jogging thrown in there- because I just got new shoes to wear with my brace. That's a whole other story, but I have a condition called drop foot (or foot drop) from a failed back surgery. I can't lift my toes up or really move my foot from side to side on my right foot. It sucks, but I live with it. But the brace actually keeps the toe area of my foot up so I'm not straining my knee and hips. I got it a year after my surgery (in 2006 I believe) and really have never used it. Once starting this regiment I busted it out and was using in on walks but realized my sneakers were wayyyy too small for it. So yesterday I got my shoes! I felt like it took forever, but I know I was just eager to see if they work. A size larger and in a wide- they should!
So I'm nervous for my weigh in tomorrow because of my once a month, but I'll get over it.. and next week could be a bigger lose because of it.
Happy Blogging :)

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